Thursday, April 12, 2012

March 2012....On a roll.

      Well March has ended with a bang.  I ran two 5 K's one of them with my 7 year old daughter.  I am so proud of her.  I take her and my 3 year old running with me on Sundays.  I enjoy the time with them and we even get some exercise.   I call it jog/ walk/ stop/ look/ whine/ jog day.  It's worth it though.  I have been pretty consistent this month with my schedule until I hurt my neck pretty good.  But I picked it right back up.  How am I managing to run 4 days a week?  My oldest daughter ran a 1/2 mile fun run at the YMCA the day before Easter.   They also allowed her to do the 100 yard dash.  I did the 5K which she wanted to do so desperately, but I was concerned the distance would be tough if not too much for a 7 year old.  A week later I allowed her to do a 5K with me while I pushed my youngest daughter in a jogging stroller, which was a first time and holy moly is that hard.  I am so proud of her as she actually completed it and won a medal.  
     Week nights between 10-11 pm I'm climbing into bed hoping to make it to the sound of my iPhone jarring me awake to get moving at 4:40am. Then dealing with the occasional baby cry, or nightmare, or night terror (one of the worst ways to be woken up), to a baby cry again.  I blink and it's 4:40am and I am begrudingly dragging my tired butt from the warmth of my bed.  I'm dressed and outside stretching within 10 minutes.  The cool morning air wakes me up more than the ice cold water on my Garmin heart rate strap. I'm breathing easier and ready to go.  Then I'm off into he darkness running the lone streets in peace. Nothing to hear but my feet and breathing. The occasional chime on my watch notifying me of the time.  I run steadily the set distance or time I've designated on my schedule.  Then I'm home and rushing to get myself ready before the kids wake up.  Usually that happens not too long after I'm through the door.  

     I head to work with my cup of coffee or two then sit in my office being a little tired throughout the day.  I've been asked why am I tiring myself out by getting up so early?  Well, it's because I will be tired either way, this way I feel good about myself and I know I've accomplished something.  I am taking steps to further my health and increasing my time with my my family.     It's also my time.   

This month has ended with he following stats:
Miles: 41.12
Time: 7.4 hours
Calories burned: 7,314